I Suck
I fully intended to participate in National Blog Posting Month. But just as with NaNoWriMo, I can't get my fecal material gathered in one place.
But there are reasons (excuses) for that!
For one, I have been in agony the past week and a half.
In August, my periodontist (whose office is 100 miles away, but worth the drive) told me "go get these two cavities filled." Yay, easy peasey, right? You'd think. You would also be wrong. Every damned dentist I see wants to pluck all the teeth in my head and replace them with shiny new dentures! Joy! Fun! So my regular dentist, whom I avoid because I already get my teeth cleaned four times a year, refused to fill the teeth. Instead, he wanted to send me to ANOTHER periodonist. Well, any periodontist that talks about teeth pulling is looking at my insurance coverage, and not at my mouth. I've kept these teeth in almost 5 years longer than they wanted them in, and they show no signs of falling out or anything. Loose, yes. In danger of spontaneously separating from my gums? Not even close.
So I made an appointment with a dentist MY periodontist works with. That dentist (also 100 miles away) believes in keeping teeth in the head as well. The appointment is for tomorrow, and not a minute too soon. In fact, a couple weeks too late.
The cavity that should have been filled back in September, but on which my dentist refused to work, has now worsened to (I think) an exposed nerve; either that or an infection. The entire left side of my face has been in pain over a week. I must have slept 10 hours in the past five days, and eaten maybe six meals. I've alternated Tylenol and Advil until I have to write down what I took when, because it would be so easy to take more. And those have merely taken the edge off. I've rinsed repeatedly with salt water and peroxide, and today for the first time I can actually have my upper and lower sets of teeth meet without pain.
It wasn't all bad, though. It's kept me from scarfing the Halloween candy (a record-breaking haul, let me tell you) and it allowed me to catch up with about 17 hours of CSI reruns. But let me tell you, consciousness at four-thirty a.m. is NOT a party under the best of circumstances. Come to think of it, it might have been better had someone brought over the whisky.
Where were you all when I needed you?
I'd have been there for you, Fishy, but YOU GOTTA LET ME KNOW!
Next time, give me a call, okay?
BTW, and OT - I'm listening to the song "Alpha Male" right now. Have you heard it?
Oh, yeah, certainly I have. Have you heard Dirty Hair Breakfast?
Um, y'all need to know our beloved Steve has new songs out. You may have to join MySpace to hear them tho. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=123276650
We've been right here, reading and writing. Where have you been for US! Huh? Huh? Huh?
Ms. Pley did send you my new blog link, right?
Now I'm nervous, because I need to have a couple cavities filled, and I don't want to put it off for too long, but it's hard to find the time and money to get it done. There are so many more things I could spend that $300+ on, but I'm taking your story as a cautionary tale.
Sending cyber whiskey your way, stat!
You poor, poor, poor thing. Me, I've given up on my teeth. I figure if they last past 30 I've done better than my grandfather. Indian heritage-great hair, crap teeth. I hope the baby gets its father's teeth. You know mine are bad when I hope the child inherits BRITISH teeth. Anyway, you are welcome to any and all liquor in my house (what little there is) since I sure can't have it (no matter how lovely a glass of wine would go down about now) and you definitely could use it. Carnation instant breakfast milk chocolate flavor goes well with whiskey (and kahlua)and will let you get your essential vitamins as well.
Poor poor poor fishy. I hope the dentist & periodontist make it all better either with skill or hard core narcotics.
You poor fishy!! This is probably too late, I hope it's too late, but hot compresses also help.
If they can't help you today I hope they give you stronger drugs than Tylenol and Advil!
Mouth pain sucks! I'll take my back pain any day over mouth pain.
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