Sunday, September 09, 2007

Not so much

I'm having a week.

Tuesday: Leave school after a brief attempt to get some treasurer stuff done. J calls me around lunch and says she has to tell me what's up. She comes over and proceeds to tell me S is around the bend completely. S has been going around saying things like "When Fish is president, I'll be 1st VP." and "We are going to get rid of the current president." and "I'm going to barge in the board meeting and tell them all what's what." She's all lumping my name in with hers over her hate-on of the president. To anyone who will listen.

At the same time S is a big drinker and partier, and Tuesday was talking about one of those "sexy parties" she had which I hear went very very wrong. At school. Loudly.

So J took her out and politely read her the riot act regarding getting me into trouble by claiming I'm in on all this anarchy talk, and also talking about sex and alcohol in the halls of the school at top voice. It was hard, but J figured she was the only one who could do it, being old enough to be S's mom.

Thursday: S throws a fit because J and I went to buy a couch for the library without taking her.

Friday: J reports that S said she had a couple of beers before coming to school with the kids because her meds are low and she needed something to take the edge off before coming in. She then further infuriates J by seeming to claim credit for all the hard work J had done to get an event running that day, and event S had zilch to do with.

Then later that morning the Bigun calls to say her car died at school on the other side of town, and I have to get over there and try to get her car going. We get it to her apartment and it doesn't survive being turned off again. It sits there until JJ and I go back over there and buy a new battery for it, which is how we get it over here to the mechanic we just paid $800 to two weeks ago.

The mechanic looks at it Saturday and gets it going around 6 p.m. JJ goes over to pick it up, turns out of the shop drive, and it dies again. So the mechanics look at it again today but can't get it done until tomorrow. JJ is taking the day off to get up early and drive the Bigun and her roommate to school, then come back here and see about the car. This on a day when I have reports to run and financials to prepare for the general meeting tomorrow night.

I think I'm almost ready to move to Bellville. I hear it's a lot less crazy out there. And this looks like a good start.


Blogger Pez said...

Sounds like S needs an intervention.

Sorry about Bigun's car!

That place in Bellville looks awesome!

10:59 PM  
Blogger Kimmer said...

LOVE that house!

7:53 AM  

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