Monday, June 25, 2007

Happy Birthday, Little Critter

The LC turns 8 Wednesday, and she had her party Saturday. The plan was for us to go swimming a couple of hours, then come back home and have a karaoke party. (We loves us some karaoke.) But God has blessed us in southeast Texas with a truckload of rain, and so the pool was closed. Silver lining: fireworks for the 4th are ON!

So we cleared the den, rented the karaoke machine, set up a makeshift stage, arranged the Luau party favors from Oriental Trading (I'm a sucker for a 2" plastic pig in a hula skirt and lei) and had us a party. (Pictures to follow)

The kids paired off at first to sing favorites from High School Musical and Cheetah Girls and the like, but eventually got together in large groups and belted out "Girl Power" and "We're All In This Together." Even the moms got into the act after I dragged them into it. I belted out "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and then N did a wonderful version of "Let's Give Them Something to Talk About." Then we did "I Will Survive" together, and finally dragged all the moms and kids together into a version of "We Are Family."

Then they took turns, boys, then girls, and we thought that was darling. And it was, at least until the boys decided they'd like to take a whack at singing "Macho Man."

Body...wanna feel my body?
Body...such a thrill my body
Body...wanna touch my body?'s too much my body
Check it out my body, body.
Don't you doubt my body, body.
Talkin' bout my body, body,
Check it out my body

Um, yeah. Any mom in the room when that began lost any composure left. Worse? They sang it TWICE.

The kids sang almost nonstop for 4 hours until the MOMS got tired and decided it was time to go. But I have to say it was the best birthday party we've given, and the one that was the least work and the most fun for us as well as the kids. The great thing is that we bought the Little Critter a karaoke machine of her own, so we can have regular karaoke parties now.

But I think I'll steer clear of anything by the Village People for a while.


Blogger Beth said...

LOL at the Village People comment.

Glad the party was such a sucess!

3:26 PM  
Blogger Kimmer said...

Happy Birthday to the Little Critter! Karaoke sounds like a great party idea--we may have to try that!

7:19 AM  
Blogger Pez said...

Sounds like a very fun party! Looking forward to photos.

Happy 8th birthday to Little Critter.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, LC! Your mom throws the coolest parties, doesn't she?

7:15 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

Happy birthday LC :)

8:35 AM  

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