The '80s are Back
Or at least that is what it felt like this weekend. How many days do you get to hear "Lean on Me" and "Brass Monkey" in the same hour unless you're listening to oldies radio?
Things I learned:
1) Some of us aged better than others.
2) Guys held up better on average than expected, but there were some women who had to have made a deal with the devil to look that good.
3) Ben still makes me nervous (see picture).
4) All my parts still move on the dance floor. Sometimes the way they're supposed to.
5) I can still hold my liquor.
6) I still don't know what a hangover feels like.
7) Cleavage is in.
8) My memory for names is improving. There is hope for me yet.
9) Some people really turned out nice. And said some lovely things about me.
10) It's one thing to put your J-High dance picture with Former Love of Your Life on a Yahoo Group where a few people will snigger at it in good fun. It is quite another to see it up on a screen eleventy feet tall in a room of two hundred other people.

11) '80s hair was big. Shockingly so. I blame the lack of CHI iron technology.
12) Acne comes back. Even in your '30s.
13) The bad boys are, for the most part, still bad. Just bad with credit cards attached.
14) Never count out the class clown; he will end up being a lawyer and running for judge. His charm will get him there.
15) Hug even those you barely knew. It makes them feel good (usually) and their spouses will put up with it for one night.
16) White boys can dance. But they have to be drinking.
17) Getting all mooshy and sentimental about the class song is okay. Everyone else feels as dumb, and it makes good pictures.

18) Dancing = barely walking the next day = feeling old.
Somehow, you've made me want to go to MY class reunion!
You've ALMOST made me want to go to mine.
I had that same heart sweater! Was one of my favorites.
LC looks just like you. I never noticed it before but that second picture I thought it was her. LOL
I can't wait for my reunion next year.
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