Deep Breath

As if.
It was crazy. I had a school store meeting in the morning to catalog shop for new items, and when we opened the cart to see what we had we found a ton of stuff we didn't know was there. I had to completely empty it, check everything, and repack it. It took forever. M and J did the order while dodging inquiries from one of the troublemakers.
And dis bre'r rabbit (or sissa rabbit, I guess) she say none.
Then there were all the reports that had to be done for the board meeting. Ick. Ick. Ick. Why did I sign up for this job? The reconciliation wouldn't reconcile, I lost documentation for two checks, and the reports looked funny. I found a few errors, but I will have to finish the reconciliation soon, and that I don't look forward to. It took almost the whole school day to get the paperwork done, and then no sooner had I got home and made dinner than back again to explain what I had printed out.
Stupid meeting. It took me hours longer to prepare than it did to hold. And for what? Watching the problems mount up and be tabled.
I need a raise, and a big one at that.
Know what I learned while M was in the Navy? What "Navy" actually stands for:
"Never Again Volunteer Yourself"
I took it to heart. ;)
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