All three of my candidates lost. Which is not surprising after learning the kinds of things the incumbents do the stay in office. One of them is a walking expletive factory when away from the public, which I learned upon shaking his hand on election day at a polling location. Ick, I need bleach!
Well, we ran a great campaign and all three candidates came close. Two came within 150 votes and the third came within 550. Which tells me it IS possible to win if you a)pre-empt the dirty lying scoundrels and b) spend a lot of money.
And it also tells me in a town of over 200,000 nobody cares about the school board when only 5,000 people vote. THAT'S the greatest hurdle we had to overcome, and we just didn't get it done. An extra 1000 people getting to the polls would have made all the difference.
So after I cry in my beer, I'm ready to work on the next campaign, the State Senator Special Election. Yeee Haw! I just get right back on that horse, don't I?
Sorry that your candidates lost and that no one seems to care about the school board. :(
I am glad you will get right back up on that horse. You do the process good.
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