Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm definitely a Drama Queen

I had my very first class tonight teaching after-school drama, and I am completely hooked, no pun intended. There were 15 kids in my class ages 9-11, and by the end I had learned all their names and had led them in their first whole day of exercises. They were a riot! I feel really good about it. It's hard playing to a tween audience when you're used to preschoolers, but I think I've got the hang of it.

The funnest part? When I chose Tyler to be the lead in the mini play. Tyler had a great time, and did his part with enthusiasm and energy, ad-libbing right where I needed him to, and learning his lines flawlessly. After it was all over and the kids were gone, I talked to my boss about how it went, and how well Tyler did.

"He didn't want to come today." she said.

"Get out!"

"Yeah, it's true. His mom said he didn't want to do it at all. She said he had to come ONE TIME in order to be able to drop it. So he did. Today."

"You mean it was his first time?"

"Yes. She says he has a hard time with new situations."

I was floored. I hadn't studied my class list that closely to know which were my newcomers, and didn't pay too much attention when I asked a show of hands to see how many kids had done it previously. He did not act like a kid who has a hard time with new situations. He looked just like a veteran to me.

So apparently God led me to just the right kid to be the lead. Maybe he'll end up coming back, and then I'll know I did well from objective evidence. As it is, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have stumbled on this job. I can not believe they pay me to do this.

But I'll still take the money!


Blogger Kimmer said...

That sounds great! I hope he does come back, and really shines in this.

7:05 AM  

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