Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Waiting for Fall

Somehow, every year I make the same mistake.

Each year about this time, I get my hopes up. It's going to get cooler soon. The school year will turn out differently; better somehow, than all the years prior. I will have enough money for Christmas and will not stress over the holidays.

And every year I find I've gotten my hopes up again for no reason.

Not that optimism isn't on the face of it a good thing. It just also, in my case, appears to be frequently stupid. (And yes, I am indeed off my meds again, thank you for asking.)

It's the end of September, there's no cool air outside of my freezer, and school is another hotbed of disappointment. At least now that I'm grown there aren't any more tests. On paper. But my patience has been tested. Severely.

This lovely "friend" S, who needs way more meds, or a hobby, or a job, or all three, struck again. At a meeting of the community association Halloween committee, she spent her time loudly announcing to all the attendees that they need to get out of the way and let Fishie run that thing. Blessedly, J turned to her and finally snapped "Don't you think you ought to ask FISH before you go committing her to all this?"

Uh huh.

Where was Fishie? Fishie didn't even KNOW there was a meeting and wouldn't have gone if she did. She had other things like, oh, a JOB to keep.

So after S flounced out, my friend J apologized for S and said "Y'all can't paint Fish with the same brush as S. Fish didn't have anything to do with that." By this time, I think, that impression has gotten out there. And yet, she's the Mouth that Wouldn't Quit. She can't take a breath without pissing someone off. And it's getting to the point where even innocuous things she says make people cringe and want to slap her.

I'd get her pointed at a job, but I'd be afraid to unleash her on anyone else.

Somebody FedEx me some wellbutrin. Me off my meds + S running her mouth = One Tired Fishie.


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