I suck at this

Dang, another post-twelve post.
Oh, well, funny thing happened today. The Little Critter wanted to take a walk after school. She never wants to do any such thing, but I decided we'd go. We don't get out enough since the days are shorter, and it was a good chance to just talk. We decided to just make the block and come back home. I mean, no reason to overdo it.
As we turned the second corner, we saw Miss Amy, a friend and prayer group member I've known a few years. After chatting with her, we headed down behind our house. Here we saw the house catty-corner behind us where Michelle and Michael live. Right next door to that, we see little Ali, daughter of one of my good PTA friends. She greets us, we go on, and then I stop dead in the sidewalk.
Wait a minute. Ali? I knew they lived around there, but was that her HOUSE?
I remember this little goofy girl named Ali who peeked in between fence boards and made Cowgirl bark herself hoarse. I remember her brother who climbed the fence and drove the pooches crazy. Or got on his roof and scared me to death.
All I knew of the family behind us is that they had a girl named Ali, they barbecued occasionally in the backyard, and that they were all familiar with Cowgirl's bark.
That's my friend Brenda's house! We've lived behind each other for over four years and didn't know! I had to call her and confirm, and sure enough, that's them.
For the record, I warned her the next time she barbecues, I'm coming over the fence.
How funny! And what a small world! I just WISH I knew (or liked) my neighbors. Out of the four houses surrounding ours, one family is nice, one lets their damn dog poop in our yard (and anyone else's, so long as it's not their own), one has kids my kids' ages, but the mother is dreadfully unfriendly (she's never even acknowledged us, even once, even if she's in her front yard and we're in ours), and the other ones are semi-unfriendly, too.
Wish we'd moved into the cul-de-sac, where it seems everyone is friendly and gets along. Dang.
Sorry for the novella, chica. ;)
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