Interesting day.
Three of my classes had their productions today. Of course, I had to be up first. And second. And also third. It didn't start out as well as it ended.
Last night after I went to bed I remembered several things I wanted to bring to the productions, so I had to get a list started, and I had to keep it by the bed for those 'omigosh!" moments when I remembered yet another thing. That made sleeping a little difficult. Then I set the time on the alarm, but forgot to actually turn it on, and woke up just in time to wash my hair and go. Not an auspicious beginning.
I remembered everything and made it in time, but we ran late as we worked out the bugs of hanging sets and getting props straight. I know I saw the plays, but it's different when you're the director rather than the audience. I didn't "see" them; I saw the technical aspects nobody else noticed. Still, all my kids hit it out of the park. One of them even gave me flowers.
In the middle of the next set of plays, I got a call from a guy running for our state senate seat. He promised to call back later, and did, but more on that after the rest of the day.
The other first-year teacher is still struggling, but her kids were adorable. Her main problem is living and teaching further in to the city. She doesn't have the luxury of dropping into a class someone else teaches and observing as I do. There were a couple of calls I would not have made, but I think with more training she can do it. Her main problem seemed to be a tendency to read the script as the children were performing instead of having memorized it. It would have freed her up so much!
The senior teacher's teen class was abysmal in rehearsal because most of the cast had spotty attendance. She was completely frustrated with them, and I couldn't blame her. Yet she's so good that after spending an hour running lines with them in the back of the room while the little ones prepared, she got them on stage and they transformed into actors! I couldn't do that now if I tried. One day I'll be that good, but it will take a long while.
So with the hard stuff over I came home and JJ made dinner. I just love that man more than chocolate creme pie.
While cleaning up, that senator candidate called back. Amazingly we chatted for 45 minutes on everything from voter ID laws to voice coaching. He asked for my endorsement, which is a first for me. Politicians don't call me, or at least they haven't before. And who has 45 minutes to spend yakking with a voter about an election six months away? He did, apparently. I'd have endorsed him today too, except I promised another candidate to help him if he ran. Well, the other candidate is dragging his heels getting into the fight, so I'll likely be working for this guy.
I figure what the hey, summer's coming, work's on hiatus after tomorrow, and I just finished the school board campaign. For me, this new schedule is almost like vacation.
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