I'm Done with Nice
Yep, school's out and never was I so glad of it. The year has been completely draining, and so I'm making up for lost time with the pool. I've got a wee burn in a couple of places, but otherwise it's all good poolside.
But here's the downside. We have an audit due in a week or two, and there will be an investigation. Not of me, exactly, but an investigation into Where Some Money Went. I've been kicking up a fuss over this for months, so hopefully this will tend to relieve me of suspicion. Still, it irks me that it has taken half a year to get this dealt with.
Back in December we bought cameras to take pictures of events that we could print for immediate use. For example, if we had Santa come, we could have a picture taken and printed for the kids to take home. The photographers decided the printing was too slow so they decided to return the cameras. This is fine, as far as it goes. However, the photographer didn't take the Sam's Card with her and could not return them herself. She then gave them to the president to return, reasoning that the president could get her hands on the card at leisure.
This is where it breaks down. The president returned them, all right, but it's June and I haven't seen the money.
This isn't the only time, either. In April she sold T-shirts at our carnival and didn't turn in that money either. I finally got it on Wednesday of last week. And, against all policies and rules, she took all the cash in the deposit and exchanged it for two of her personal checks. When I saw one was close to the amount that I was missing for the cameras, I called and asked exactly what the check was for. When she said it was T-shirts, I knew she couldn't then go back later and say it was camera money.
I've asked for the camera money several times, and been asked by others if that money had been deposited. Nope. Nope. Nope.
But when I asked her about the camera money after getting the T-shirt deposit, saying politely "I can't find where I deposited it," she swore she had documentation, and that she'd get it to me the following day.
Have I seen it? Nope. Nope. Nope.
So what now? The audit committee will find that no, indeed, it isn't in the bank. Then they will have to get her statement. If she can produce a piece of paper with her signature and one other saying she had a deposit, then she can try to make the case that I took it. Of course, the one pursuing it is me, so one member of the audit committee already thinks she never handed it in, and any documentation she has without my signature on it is useless. At least there's that bit of support for me.
And if this isn't handled well and doesn't end in my total vindication, I'm walking. I refuse to be dragged through this mess of people not following procedures. How can I expect anyone else to do it when I can't get the freaking president to follow the rules?
That is scary nuts. Truly, if you can't count on the president to follow the rules, what are you going to do?
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