I have to take a moment to vent here. In the process of getting ready for carnival, I'm checking my e-mail all day long. I never know when people are going to send me random information, and it's better to get it quickly and act on it immediately than wait and do it all at night.
So each time the words "new message" appear, I open the program as quickly as I can.
Only to find that there are a score of people who think my penis needs enlarging. That I need to buy something to satisfy her desires. That this is the answer to my small member. THIS is what I've been looking for. (Does it bother anyone else that I ended that sentence with a preposition? Even though I run sentence fragments all through this blog? Just me? Ok.)
I'm starting to get a complex. And it would take more than a pill to fix what they say is broke on me. Maybe there's a pill for this horrible guilt that I'll never be the man she wants me to be.
The preposition doesn't bother me as much as "sentAnce" does.
(hee! Just teasing ya. ;)
Sorry that you are annoyed by people paying attention to your penis enlarging needs. What gets me- somebody has to buy this stuff, or they would not sell it. Who would buy something like that from random spam?
I don't get those e-mails often, but I get a TON of beautiful Christain women want to meet YOU! Um, okay.
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I am so embarrassed. I no how too spel, rilly I due.
Well, about the beautiful Christian women; if they want to meet ME why are they e-mailing YOU?
Very true, fish. I'll forward the e-mails to you. *smiles*
Eye no ewe kin spel. Eye have scene ewe due it 'afore. ;)
Mandi, perhaps the Russian brides are't calling because they know about your penis?
Gosh, aren't we all getting a little TransAmerica today?
I never get asked if my member needs enlarging. I do have all sorts of Nigerians trying to help get $$ out of the country though...
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