Crunch Time

Carnival is fast approaching! This week people have finally come out of the woodwork to ask if they can help. I hear people talking about donations; "XYZ Comany will donate something" they yell in passing. People, this does not help. As much as I'd like to be, I am not a Human Computer. I cannot remember what you told me three weeks ago. If so-n-so wants to donate, GO GET THE DONATION. Jeepers!
I have put in more hours on the phone and at school this week than all my other hours put together. I think. Luckily, the administration has pity on me, and has been signing whatever I put in front of them, and the administrative assistant has held my hand through the excruciating process of negotiating our way through district regulations. I think there's a lot of red-tape-cutting going on of which I am the beneficiary. Yay for people with sense!
It's also getting close to the Convention - this Saturday. I worked on the decorations yesterday, and came up with the arrangement shown. I am not a floweredy person at all, so I agonized over this for hours. Nobody will notice it after they see it walking in, and still I was haunting WalMart and Hobby Lobby all day trying to put things together. I did learn a valuable lesson; Stitch Witchery is AWESOME stuff for hemming when you don't sew. Let's hear it for Shortcuts for the Incompetent! There's a whole article in that; what to do when you don't know how to do what you have to do.
I worked up a spreadsheet to take to convention with me. It will figure out how to calculate in NO TIME the actual votes in a roll call. I feel smarter having put it together. It'll be a matter of plugging in numbers and clicking a mouse. If it works correctly as it has in my tests, then we could conceivably save an hour or two if there are votes like that. Which should more than make up for all the people cranky with me for my antics last year.
You can blame all the above if my entries don't turn over as quickly as they have been. I have a feeling, however, that I'll have much to report about the aforementioned. (I love that word!)
Stitch Witchery is worth every penny. I could have told you that years ago...had you asked. Which might have been difficult, since I didn't know you years ago. But you know, whatever.
Good luck at Convention! I wish I could be there to see you in action.
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