Bullet to the Head
I did it.
I swore up and down that I wouldn't do it. Never have, never will. As recently as last week I was proclaiming that you'd NEVER catch me doing it, no matter what the enticement.
I lie like a dog, too, apparently.
Because at the Black Friday sale at Kohl's? Magic Bullet mixer sets? For $39.99? Im-freaking-possible to pass up. At Magic Bullet's own website they're selling 2 for $99.99, plus you have to pay $40 shipping and handling. J C Penney had them on for $59.99 today. I've hardly ever wanted an infomercial product more. When they start selling MaxiGlide hair straighteners at Kohl's I suppose I will be there too.
So at O'dark thirty (4:30 for people who don't sleep) I was out of bed and out the door. The parking lot was filled, the line went around the front and side of the store, several hundred people long. I had a short list, but was stupid enough to think I could carry all that I wanted around by myself. Luggage set? Forget it. People were a little rough in that corner of the store, so I didn't venture there. Crock pot? No way. How could I carry that with two Magic Bullets and no cart? So I got JJ some PJ bottoms, the Bigun a scarf and one of the MBs, and one teacher gift for the LC.
I'm glad I did it, even if it was a little scary at first. It was 45 minutes from parking to pulling out of there, and for what I got, I consider that an extremely successful mission.
However, in the future, here's what I would do differently:
* Take someone with. One person does not have the speed and number of appendages to get everything needed in one shot.
* Leave earlier. Had I been in line a half hour before opening, I'd have got the MBs AND the luggage AND a cart to push around.
* Pre-shop. A quick Wednesday trip to Kohl's beforehand would have verified pre-sale prices on a few things I wanted and confirmed the "deal-iness" of each. And I'd have avoided searching things out.
* Pick only one store, shop it, then go home. There will be decent sales the rest of the season, and shopping on Tuesday mornings usually avoids the crowds.
* Shop online. 'Nuff said.
But it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, but then, I didn't try WalMart or TRU, either. Kohl's is about the limit of my patience and ability.
Happy shopping, everyone!
Hey, how about a review of the Magic Bullet? (no comment on your shopping craziness)
We can't open them until Christmas. If I open mine, The Bigun will not have any fun with hers. After that I'll post, because it will keep her busy all that day!
You are one brave woman. One could not pay me enough to go shopping yesterday.
I braved exactly two stores yesterday. Fortunately, I was able to get what I went for at both stores - that has never happened - and one of the stores was Target, which I have previously said I'd never again go to on Black Friday. Oops.
I thought about going to Kohl's, but decided not to. If the line was a kajillion people long, then I'm NOT sorry. :P
Brave woman, you.
Sorry that you missed out on the deals, MissFish. The Magic Bullet was such a great deal too!
Yep, you definitely need a plan for Black Friday shopping. And get to a store a full hour early to be one of the first 25 in the door. I kinda like Black Friday shopping to jump start my Christmas shopping and then I do the rest online.
Kohls is a tricky store, if you time it right you can have all your items and be through the check out line within half an hour. If you are going to browse, you need a placeholder to stand in the enormous check out line (I didn't have one this year and waited an hour).
Target was a bust for me this year, I should have completely skipped it. Which was very disappointing because it's one of my favorite stores.
We did the walmart thing this year. In line and out the door in just over an hour. They had some awesome deals for us.
And getting there an hour before is definitely some good advice.
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