Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Things I (Never) Said Today (aka I'm Cranky)

* Do it your own damn self.

* That's the meds talking.

* Why is this suddenly MY problem?

* I told you so (nearly did say that one)

* Why, yes, since the world does, in fact, revolve around you, I will certainly drop everything and do your bidding.

* If you feel disconnected, maybe you should plug yourself into other people's lives instead of sitting over there.

* How is it that when X has an attack of the vapors, suddenly it's incumbent upon everyone to keep from upsetting her?

* By the way, did you ever notice when others have a problem with X, they don't bring it to you? They just deal with it, suck it up, and move on.

More to follow as I make it up...

UPDATE: Oh, Miss Doxie is so very generous. She had a link to this site and I've spent the morning in LOLCat therapy. Try it.


Blogger Kimmer said...

I love those interior monologues!

7:03 AM  

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