I did it.
I swore up and down that I wouldn't do it. Never have, never will. As recently as last week I was proclaiming that you'd NEVER catch me doing it, no matter what the enticement.
I lie like a dog, too, apparently.
Because at the Black Friday sale at Kohl's?
Magic Bullet mixer sets? For $39.99? Im-freaking-possible to pass up. At Magic Bullet's own website they're selling 2 for $99.99, plus you have to pay $40 shipping and handling. J C Penney had them on for $59.99 today. I've hardly ever wanted an infomercial product more. When they start selling MaxiGlide hair straighteners at Kohl's I suppose I will be there too.
So at O'dark thirty (4:30 for people who don't sleep) I was out of bed and out the door. The parking lot was filled, the line went around the front and side of the store, several hundred people long. I had a short list, but was stupid enough to think I could carry all that I wanted around by myself. Luggage set? Forget it. People were a little rough in that corner of the store, so I didn't venture there. Crock pot? No way. How could I carry that with two Magic Bullets and no cart? So I got JJ some PJ bottoms, the Bigun a scarf and one of the MBs, and one teacher gift for the LC.
I'm glad I did it, even if it was a little scary at first. It was 45 minutes from parking to pulling out of there, and for what I got, I consider that an extremely successful mission.
However, in the future, here's what I would do differently:
* Take someone with. One person does not have the speed and number of appendages to get everything needed in one shot.
* Leave earlier. Had I been in line a half hour before opening, I'd have got the MBs AND the luggage AND a cart to push around.
* Pre-shop. A quick Wednesday trip to Kohl's beforehand would have verified pre-sale prices on a few things I wanted and confirmed the "deal-iness" of each. And I'd have avoided searching things out.
* Pick only one store, shop it, then go home. There will be decent sales the rest of the season, and shopping on Tuesday mornings usually avoids the crowds.
* Shop online. 'Nuff said.
But it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought, but then, I didn't try WalMart or TRU, either. Kohl's is about the limit of my patience and ability.
Happy shopping, everyone!