Monday, December 17, 2007

Final Countdown

OK, so I didn't exactly stick to my plan of stress-free holiday-ing. In fact, I pretty much suck at it. But that's okay, because this year there is one important first that has overshadowed all the suckiness of my character, or lack thereof.

I'll be home for Christmas!

Yes, since my mom is working Christmas day we'll be doing the family Christmas on Christmas Eve. And since there's no good place to board the dogs, we'll be returning home that night and falling asleep in our own beds.

And therefore waking up in them as well.

I can't explain how big a deal this is for me. I won't even try. Just say I'm overjoyed and glad and leave it at that. So that leaves me with a little baking, a lot of shopping, and the regular mess of things to do.

Today is competition meeting after school for which I need to invent a challenge, then shopping tonight, if I'm lucky, or sorting pictures to download to my in-laws digital frame if I'm not. Then tomorrow I take JJ to the doc, work, shop some more if possible, and make sure the Bigun goes to the dentist. Wednesday is prep for the teacher lunch on Thursday, and Friday is loaded. Friday there's a sing-along, classroom parties, cleanup, drama class, then a caroling event in the evening. Work Saturday and then I'm free, except for holiday prep, until the new year.

It didn't help that I had a headache most of the weekend, but still the LC and I had a baking day and churned out 4 dozen toll house cookies (FROM SCRATCH!) and made sugar cookies (also from scratch.) We're up for fudge and mudballs as soon as we can find the time. I guess that will be April at this rate.


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