Post Production
I'm finally done with all the parent day productions! Yipes, but that was difficult. A co-worker had to come help supervise one class as they were so hard to teach, and the boss stepped in on the last young class to help me with changes we had to make at the last minute. Ordinarily I'd be ticked off, but not in this case. I really learned quite a bit I can use in future classes, and some of the things they stepped in to do are things I know to do but I'd lost them briefly in the chaos. Nobody disgraced themselves, and I can stop worrying about how everything will go. At least for a month or so when we start working on the final production.
The shuffle begins to reorganize classes, as new students come in and others drop. Supposedly I'm losing three big troublemakers in my first class of the week, which makes me so happy I can't speak. This bodes well! In my last class of the week we're down to seven, one of whom has never actually been to class since November and another whose parents can't get their schedules straight. Ought to be interesting when we get to the end of the year.
Around home things are okay. Nice and slow, really. The Bigun is off for two weeks doing Army things. The Little Critter, coming off a high from a straight A semester, is throwing herself back into school routine. JJ is out tonight, bowling with the guys from our new Bible study class. And I'm contemplating the next year in PTA.
I turned in my form today for the nominating committee, entering Treasurer and Membership as offices I'd like to hold. But I've learned that the first VP doesn't intend to run for anything next year, and the only two other viable president candidates don't seem to be good choices. If the committee gets nominations and doesn't like the choices, they can recruit more people for the positions. I'm wondering if I'm going to be asked to run for president after all. This is frustrating me, because I JUST sat down with JJ and talked it out and decided NOT to run for president, and just to give the PTA this next year. Of course, nothing happens unless I'm approached by the committee, but I have a feeling it's coming.
Meanwhile I'm studying for the parliamentary exam, and not feeling so confident, so more study is in order. I have a month or so, and there are 300 questions, so I ought to be able to get there. It's been ages since I took a test in anything. On top of that, just the other day JJ mentioned me going back to school to get my CPA. Ick ick ick! If I can't hack a 300 question multiple choice/true false test on nerdy parliamentary procedure, no way can I get my Masters in Accounting.
The only other thing going on is a weird little struggle in JJ's family. I say this because it's usually MY family having the weirdness. We thrive on the weirdness. We attract the weirdness. We manufacture the weirdness when it is in short supply. Not so JJ's clan.
That clan, whom we'll call the Jennings since they are distantly related to William Jennings Bryan, has always been ten kinds of normal to me. Three sisters, each of whom had three children. Normal sibling squabbles in each generation, but nothing nasty or vicious or wicked. Scratch the surface, I'm learning, and the weirdness emerges.
Case in point - Janelle. Janelle is in her late 40s or early 50s, but thinks she's 28. When JJ needed a car he called his parents to see if they had one he could borrow until he could find one. They usually do have two or three lying around. (I don't know why this is.) His mom suggested calling Cousin Janelle. Janelle's parents had passed away within five years of each other, and Janelle was supposed to be living in the house tying up loose ends of the estate. Janelle had a hoopty rusting in the driveway and would give it to JJ for $1500. Sold! We drove up and got it and Janelle said she'd send the title in a few days.
This was November. Still no title. Which means no inspection. And no plates.
First she said the title was lost. Then she said she couldn't get to the courthouse to get the paperwork done for a new title. Then she said she lost her driver's license. Now JJ and I think she never changed the title when her parents died, and it is titled to the estate, and that's why she won't get it done.
Now JJ is hopping mad, though I passed that threshhold into denial long ago. When talking to his mother about it, he learned there's another Janelle issue going on. Apparently their 101-year-old grandmother changed her will. In it, I'm told, she's accounting for the fact that JJ's parents moved up to be with her so she can stay in her home as long as possible. Apparently Janelle feels cheated somehow by the new arrangement as it reduces the potential amount the grandchildren get.
The lady may be old, but she's still there, and still able to say what she wants to do with her stuff! I'm hoping I understand this all wrong. Really I do. I'd hate to see a will squabble over Grandmommy. We love Grandmommy so much we named the LC after her. The last thing she needs is a tug of war over her stuff.
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