Just Bummin' Around
I have rediscovered my Inner Lazy Bum and it's delightful.
There have been no meetings this week or last. Not one class did I have to teach. No deadlines, no headaches (both figuratively and literally,) no massive food shopping excursions, no political tasks (with the exception of filing for precinct chair) and not one school-related activity.
I should have been blogging during this time, but alas, there has been nothing to tell, other than the fact that there's nothing to tell.
We had a blast at my boss's New Year's Eve party, where they had crockpots of chili and queso and platters of food, along with a firepit in the backyard and karaoke in the house. Oh, yes, Fish jammed on some karaoke with the gang. At least I did when the boss's spouse wasn't hogging the machine. He loves him some karaoke, and treated us to some interesting interpretations. It's funny when the drama teacher in the family is the normal one. Speaking of that, JJ got up and acquitted himself quite nicely during Mack the Knife. It took several glasses of adult beverages and some prodding, but he did it. I love that man.
Somewhere in there we drove up to the Woodlands to scope out convention hotels for the PTA convention in February. We scored a suite with kitchen and living area for about $120 a night, which will be an in-your-face to some of the people who aren't sure what they want to do or where they want to stay. The president was talking about sleeping 5 to a room so several people could go, and so my friend J and I pledged to pay our own way. We get the room and they get whatever they can find.
Eventually I'm going to have to turn my brain towards work again. There are three classes in which I need to revise a script so the students can learn it before parent presentations. I'm not all excited about that, if only because each class wrote their own material and some of it is good, some not so much. Still, Tuesday is days away now and I have to return to the real world some time.
The one thing I'm really dreading is that there's a PTA meeting the day BEFORE the kids go back to school. I have to get into the school somehow and run reports before that meeting, and I have no idea how to do that. Oh, well, there just won't be any financials if they haven't got it together.
Until then I think I'll clean house and try to avoid learning who won the Iowa Caucuses.
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