Friday, December 28, 2007


I didn't forget to post so much as I got majorly sidetracked. Everyone knows the holiday swirls around us and throws curves we didn't expect. Still, it's a little embarrassing.

One major time-sucker has been the Anne of Green Gables books. Some fool left them at school for eons and I decided I'd take them home to read over the holiday. Oh Em Gee, those books are just crack for a reader. I'm on the last Anne one, and MAKING myself walk away to feed the family, clean the house, pay the bills. Why did I never read these before?

Oh, and we did get to have Christmas morning at home, and it was delightful. After returning from my parents' we set to getting the huge dollhouse assembled. It took forever, then we had other things to set out. At one point JJ had to look up the dollhouse online to see how it was supposed to look. He left it up, so first thing after the Little Critter finished with her opening things was to go to the computer. There was the window open to the dollhouse. BUSTED!

This was probably going to be the last Christmas she believed in Santa, and JJ almost ruined it. He saved the day by saying "LC, I have to confess. I got up early and saw this stuff. I had to use that computer to look it up since I didn't want to wake Mom. I wanted to see what kind of house that is."

She bought it.

Then he walked around swearing "damn internet" all day.

The Bigun gave me the lovely sign you see above.

And all of the family got tins of candy from us. I made peanut chocolate clusters, peanut marshmallow things that taste like Snickers bars without caramel, pecan pretzel things and, of course, mudballs. I also made a neato pasta dish to be served over bow tie noodles. My parents were so anxious to try it they completely forgot about the noodles, but I think it was a success anyway.

I have to say one thing for the post-holiday period. My phone has rung exactly once when it has not been family. No crises loom, no mad dash to get anything done for work or school, just peace, quiet, family, and housework.

And that Anne.


Blogger Kimmer said...

That Anne, indeed! I've only read the first, but it's probably a good series to own.

Recipe for the pasta dish?

Glad your holidays have been drama-free!

7:01 AM  
Blogger Fishie said...

Oh, Kimmer, the series gets even more intriguing! I posted the pasta dish just for you.

3:26 PM  

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