April Freezer Challenge
Here's the challenge.
Cook as many dinners as possible out of the freezer and pantry without restocking. We'll stick to dinner because it's the meal most often consumed together, but feel free to report your other meals as well.The (flexible) rules:
1) Main ingredients should come from the freezer. (eg. Meats, veggies, breads, etc)
2) Supplemental items may be purchased, but let's try to keep it to two per dinner (eg - pasta, fresh veggies, sour cream etc.) If you purchase supplemental items, try to report your spending.
3) Report how many items you used from the freezer. Pantry stockpile items may also be included.
4) We can try a point system. Three points for a complete meal without shopping, two points for purchasing only one item, one point for purchase of two items.
5) We'll start 4.18.06 and end 4.30.06 and tally points.
I will try to start tomorrow since the only things in my freezer right now are 3 packs of hamburger meat and half a box of chicken nuggets.
LOL! I see shopping in your future! My house is so stocked you could shop here. Something about that feels so wrong! If you're still couponing, you should try the Grocery Game!
So what do I do for last night, when the kids at at Grammy's (babysitting), Jeff got Burger King, and I made a hamburger from the freezer? I'm totally down with this challenge right now - my freezer overfloweth!
At the moment I know I could make 5 meals without shopping (two hamburger dishes, one pork, two chicken all with sides) but I haven't been shopping yet this week so those are all my fall back meals in the first place.
Kimmer, if you didn't shop, give yourself 3 points. Who cares if the rest aren't there to eat it? LOL!
"Cook"? What is this "cooking" which you speak of?
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