Wednesday, June 28, 2006

We Pause for Station Identification... or Something

I'm in a mood.

I am tired of telling the same people over and over the same reasons why I did something ten years ago. It. Does. Not. Matter. Now. I can't change it, and if I could, I still might not. So if you keep asking me, all you will get is a Mad Fish.

I choose to conduct my financial affairs the way I do for a reason. I am learning from the mistakes of others. So get out of my business, because you are definitely one of the others.

The way I raise my children, too, is none of your business. Just so ya know. If I'm screwing them up, there's always therapy, or even adulthood, to get them over it. I haven't managed to get them killed thus far, and chances are they will survive to slam me in their memoirs when they are old. So back off.

That is all, until I'm pissed off again.


Blogger Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...

Ahhh...something ten years ago. About that long ago I backed into a black car on a dark road. TO THIS DAY my parents tell me to be sure to look behind me before I back up. Makes me insane! I feel your pain!

3:06 PM  
Blogger Pez said...

Argh! I am mad for you. I hate when people tell me how to do stuff in my life too. Especially my mother, Killjoy.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Lemme guess, the person who told you how to raise your kids was at least 10 years younger with no kids of their own. That one gets me every time!

I feel your pain.

1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'know Fish-O-My-Heart, I am available to come and kick some ass. Gimmie an address and vague description, and I'm there in all my AZ Ninja glory.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear the story that prompted this post. After you're in a better mood, that is. ;)


10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Money Making Famous Quotes.... Waste your money and your only out your money,but waste your time and your out part of your life... Michael Leoboeuf

Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten dollar hair cut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair... Sam Ewing

If You Find a need to become part of the positive thinking so you make a few extra bucks.. go to ....positive thinking...positive thinking....

Live a better life today..

10:47 PM  

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