Monday, February 12, 2007


Tim - the best BBQ man in the city. Tim did all the cooking for carnival last year. When the burgers weren't defrosted in time, Tim sent someone home for a brisket he'd cooked and made BBQ sandwiches until the burgers were ready. You should see the menu he made for this year.

Tim always picks up Austin after school. Even before Austin started school, when the LC and I would be walking by, Tim and Austin would be in the front yard because Austin liked to watch everyone pass his house on their way home. Since Tim's been on disability for his back, he hasn't worked outside the home, but that hasn't stopped him. Tim has been working on dreams of getting his amazing BBQ sandwiches and sides (the beans are to DIE for!) in a local store, and going into the catering business.

When I drove by and caught Tim dragging an old fridge he got from the next door neighbor up the drive by himself, I called JJ and asked him to go down the street and ask Tim if he needed help. Tim had finished by the time JJ got there, and it killed his back. It stunned Tim that people would just offer to help, but Tim should have recognized that when you give, it's reflected back to you. It's the kind of thing Tim himself would do; he just didn't recognize it on the other end.

Every Halloween and Christmas Tim and Austin help his wife Joy decorate the yard. Huge cutouts that they made themselves grace the yard; graves with silly names in one season, huge letters spelling out J-O-Y and Santa cutouts in the other. This past Halloween, Tim fired up the barbecue pit and passed out hot dogs, beans, and burgers to any family who stopped by. It humbled us, the warmth which with Tim set up out there and fed longtime friends and strangers alike.

Every evening when Joy gets off work, Tim has dinner ready. And he's really the cook in the family. Joy says Austin cringes when he thinks Joy has to cook because she's out of practice. Their anniversary is in a couple of weeks; 10 years. They married later in life, and Austin is the only child they made together. Tim has other children, one of whom is about to give birth to his grandchild. There's been much excitement in the house because of the baby. Austin will be an uncle.

Joy called this morning. Tim died yesterday at home. She found him face-down on the den floor when she got up. They don't know yet what happened.

I just wanted to pause and remember what a great guy he was. And how much I'll miss him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, that's heartbreaking. We've had two neighbors die in the 5 years we've lived here. Both young vital people, just gone.

It reminds you to be thankful every day for what you've got.

My heart goes out to Tim's family and neighbors.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was smiling reading through your post, until the end. Then a wave of despair swept over me.

It is a huge source of anxiety for me -- the thought of finding someone in my family gone like that. No chance to say good-bye. I've received a few phone calls in the past few years with my relatives.

How are Joy and Austin doing? How are you feeling?

10:03 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

I am so sorry for your loss. And Joy and Austin's.

I'll be hugging my family extra long tonight.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Pez said...

OMG! I am so sorry, MissFish.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Kimmer said...

That's a beautiful tribute, Fish. I'm really sorry you've lost such a wonderful person.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

OMG! My thoughts are with his family.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a loss. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. And also you.

3:54 PM  

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