The Battle Begins

Over PTA issues? No.
Over what to have for dinner? Uh uh.
Over who gets to wash the dog? Not even. (Though I'll take volunteers!)
Over bedtime? Possible, but not this time.
No, the battle is over the holidays, specifically Where We Will Spend Them. My little sister has been calling, and has recruited the Bigun as well, to find out whether we're going "home" for Thanksgiving and Christmas. People, it's the thirteenth! I've got whole days ahead to make up my mind! What's the urgency?
OK, to be rillyrilly honest with myself, it isn't a battle between the family and us. It's a battle between me and myself. The Dutiful Daughter who tries to do what she THINKS the family wants, meaning the action likely to garner the least snippy reaction. The Dithering Wife, who just wants to wake up in her own bed for a holiday. They battle it out every year, and the rest of the family just do their thing.
The Bigun said her biodad wanted to fly her and her friend to Hawaii for Christmas, but oops! Boatman (to whom she has given the title "Dad" which infuriates me) hasn't quite got the cash nowadays to do that, what with him getting a DIVORCE and all. Oh, yeah, I just got that news recently. So now the girls want to go find military transport (whee!) but sadly will not have much dough to do anything else. I was waiting for the "Mom, loan me a couple hundred bucks" request, but it didn't come. Of course, it's hard to make that request when one's mother is saying "Well, call me later kthxbai!"
I don't want to be grumpy this year. I don't! I think I'll have to start a Counting my Blessings post just to keep my head on straight.
Aww, honey, I feel ya on the holiday thing. I do. We're going to the inlaws for Thanksgiving AND the day after (UT vs. A&M game). I...may have to work that day, although I haven't shared that with dh yet. Still working on the "getting off" part.
I know this is easier said than done, but this year, do what feels right to YOU. You know the fams is going to get all snippy no matter what you do, so be an absent party to all that.
You know I love you. Call me if you need to. (((Fish)))
We always stay home for the holidays because Pookie always has to work.
SO on the one hand I don't have to get up and leave my house and drive while the Macy's parade is going on, but on the other, Pookie has to leave when he's full of turkey.
Poor Pookie.
Fishy, I totally know what you're talking about. The holidays have taken on new levels of suckage lately, and I'm not loving it at all. Nope. Not one bit...
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