Friday, November 09, 2007

Who's running this thing?

This morning I was at the school and got the new year's roster (It's November, didja notice?) for the PTA board. Interestingly, former volunteer and now-PE-aide "SC" is on the roster for running Pizza Night. This after a few of us went recruiting and got a new person to be interested. SC is already Secretary, and isn't doing very well at that, so we were very suspicious. I had already given the president all the contact information for the new gal last month, and the gal hasn't even been contacted.

So Miss J went to ask SC, and no, SC doesn't want anything to do with it. Hmmmm.

Then I notice that the Evil Former Carnival Chair is on the slate to run it again. This after I recruited another new mom to run that. I had already given the president all the contact information for this new gal too, who also hasn't been contacted.

I called the prez:

"So I notice EFCC is on the roster for carnival again. Is she going to do it this year?"

"Yeah, I talked to her at Halloween."

"Oh, well I had a meeting with that new mom we recruited set for Monday to pass on the binder. I should cancel, right?"

"Um, well, don't cancel just yet. I haven't heard back from EFCC in a while. I'll call her and confirm."

Is there any wonder why this year is harder?

And in the middle of all that, rumor has it that there's a triumverate planning to run a particular candidate for president next year, just so I won't get it. Look, y'all, I'm in high school all over again! Anyone up for a slumber party?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I have my job so that I can say "sorry, I just don't have time" to volunteer much. That keeps me from having to deal with all the political BS every year. BTDT, got the t-shirt. Blech.

You're a better man than I, Fishie. ;)

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that right there is why I never liked playing with other girls.

10:53 AM  

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