Sunday, November 04, 2007

Time Out (And I did it again)

OK, I did find a little time for R&R today; I went with the Bigun to Comedy Sportz. She was in the High School League last year, and I got to see her in all of one (ONE!) match. So she took me tonight to the Big League match.

I got two words: Freaking Hilarious.

CS is a professional improv theatre experience, and invites a lot of audience participation. Some of the "rounds" are:

Dumbell Races - three players answer audience questions with the dumbest line, thereby advancing in the race

New Choice - Players start acting out a scene and in the middle, the ref will call out "New Choice" and the player who just spoke has to come up with another line

My So Called Life - An audience member s invited onto the stage and gives details about people in his life; players have to act out their interpretation of a day in that person's life, and are awarded points based on how accurate they are

Da Do Ron Rap - Players have to sing "Da Do Ron Ron" rap style and find rhyming lines in a lightning-fast elimination round

BooYea - Players alternate telling stories about given situations, offering positive statements (inducing a "yea") and negative ones (inducing a "boo")

We had a blast, of course, and I learned they offer improv workshops. On Mondays. Which I am ABSOLUTELY NOT going to sign up for. At all. Really.

Oh, but I want to.

In other news, I hauled myself over to the election center (which took over an hour) and picked up my materials (which took fifteen minutes) and am all ready to go. When I got back I even had time to attempt to recreate a fabuous dish I had at an Italian restaurant last month involving farfalle, sun-dried tomatoes, asparagus and chicken. I have also begun revision of How We Met in order to offer more juicy details. But I think tomorrow I will tell you an even better one. You didn't know it, but I have my own Ferry Story (you read that right, but it's a great verbal trick.)

Technically, I didn't violate the NaBloPoMo spirit, I guess, if you consider that today is the end of Daylight Savings. Right?


Blogger Mrs. Chili said...

UGH! Don't get me STARTED on the FRICKIN' Daylight Saving!

6:09 AM  
Blogger Kimmer said...

Comedy Sportz sounds awesome!

7:44 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

That sounds like so much fun!!

11:05 AM  

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