Ferry Story Limbo (Or, Don't Ask a Man)

With the best of intentions, and no supervision, I asked my darling JJ to add the next installment of the story. I worked a fifteen hour day at the polls, but forgot to remind him, so he studied for his class, took a test, wrassled the Little Critter, and then greeted me at home with such joy and relief I couldn't ask him again until this morning.
I am hoping he comes through, but I won't know until later. It just doesn't flow as well without his voice, but I will come back and do his part if he can't. And I'll make crap up, too, to make me look better. Oh, yes I will.
Oh, honey, was that a gauntlet that just hit the floor? I believe it was!
So JJ adds this, but bear in mind, he's wearing jeans, hiking boots, and a golf-type shirt, and it's Texas' Gulf Coast in the summer:
I turn around and it was gone. The Ferry. How could they?
Well since it was gone, I really could not do anything so I went over and put my last 50 cents in the coke machine and got a drink. And chugged it. Literally. Gone in a few seconds. I sat down on the bench and waited. Ferries came and went. I watched one leave, then I saw a guy walking up from the parking lot. He asked:
“Anybody looking for a locksmith”
I literally said “Thank God, you are here! The car is on the ferry. It gets here, you do your thing, and we are done.”
He calls his girlfriend who is in his truck and tells her that he found me. We talk about things when another ferry arrives. A car is pushed off. Stalled. (We're not the only ones having a lousy day.) After a few minutes, a lady walks over and says
“Can one of you give us a jump start”
I said “Ma'am, I locked my keys in the car and we are waiting for the ferry to return. I am sorry.” in a stressful manner. I was trying not to be rude but I was very wired.
She says “Well, My son wanted to see his dad at the beach and my husband did not want to come, and now the car is stalled and he is very upset.”
I said “Ma'am, as soon as I get my car unlocked, he (the locksmith) can help you but right now that is the only thing we are waiting for.”
The son walks over and says “He (the stepdad) is really upset.”
I looked over to the water hoping the ferry was coming. It wasn’t. The stepdad walked over and I basically repeated my statement. He seemed to be cool about it. But the locksmith I don’t think really liked my attitude. He called his girlfriend to move their truck over to the stalled car. As she did this, she unintentionally broke the line to the ferry. An offense of up to $200. The security lady at the ferry office came flying out, saying “You can't do that! You can't do that!” The locksmith told her that she was moving the car over to the stranded car and finally the security guard was ok with that. At the same time, the stepdad flagged someone coming off the ferry and they were going to help them. They left before we did.
The next ferry was ours. As it was docking, we were standing on shore waiting. They would not let us on until the port side cars unloaded and then we could go on. I almost grabbed him by his collar.
“Anybody looking for a locksmith”
I literally said “Thank God, you are here! The car is on the ferry. It gets here, you do your thing, and we are done.”
He calls his girlfriend who is in his truck and tells her that he found me. We talk about things when another ferry arrives. A car is pushed off. Stalled. (We're not the only ones having a lousy day.) After a few minutes, a lady walks over and says
“Can one of you give us a jump start”
I said “Ma'am, I locked my keys in the car and we are waiting for the ferry to return. I am sorry.” in a stressful manner. I was trying not to be rude but I was very wired.
She says “Well, My son wanted to see his dad at the beach and my husband did not want to come, and now the car is stalled and he is very upset.”
I said “Ma'am, as soon as I get my car unlocked, he (the locksmith) can help you but right now that is the only thing we are waiting for.”
The son walks over and says “He (the stepdad) is really upset.”
I looked over to the water hoping the ferry was coming. It wasn’t. The stepdad walked over and I basically repeated my statement. He seemed to be cool about it. But the locksmith I don’t think really liked my attitude. He called his girlfriend to move their truck over to the stalled car. As she did this, she unintentionally broke the line to the ferry. An offense of up to $200. The security lady at the ferry office came flying out, saying “You can't do that! You can't do that!” The locksmith told her that she was moving the car over to the stranded car and finally the security guard was ok with that. At the same time, the stepdad flagged someone coming off the ferry and they were going to help them. They left before we did.
The next ferry was ours. As it was docking, we were standing on shore waiting. They would not let us on until the port side cars unloaded and then we could go on. I almost grabbed him by his collar.
So that's a light at the end of the tunnel, right? Not a train?
I love getting to hear JJ's side of this!
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