
In hopes of cheering myself through the holiday season, here begins the list of blessings, to be lengthened as I go on.
#1 - JJ. JJ is absolutely my prop, my cheerleader, my partner in every sense, my unindicted co-conspirator. He can't pass me without touching me or asking for a kiss. He puts up with much more voluminous detail about the Crap that is my Volunteer Hobby than a reasonable person can stand. He even adds his defenses of me to my running commentary. He swears I'm the best thing that has ever happened to him, but I know it's the other way round. I am not going to disabuse him of the notion, either.
#2 - Work. Teaching Drama has been a surprisingly good fit for me. I love all my students (I last counted over 60) and have a blast sharing my love of performing. I can see so much improvement in them after a couple of months, and I enjoy looking for it. Seeing the light go on in their eyes when they nail something is so rewarding. And I'm working at it for a boss who is so willing to follow my lead in managing my classes. She trusts me to sub for the other teachers even if I haven't taught that level's activities before, and is so positive and encouraging. If there's a bad thing about working for her, I swear I haven't found it yet.
#3 - Couponing. That skill has garnered me more respect in the weirdest places than anything else I have done. I't s cool to be able to bring free stuff to school or wherever and just give it away. It's flattering to be told that people have confidence in me when I help them plan a grocery trip. And it's nice to be the Coupon Fairy to others, because they always come back and return the favor.
#4 - Libraries. I have checked out everything from Goldwater to Miss Manners recently, and have a ton of books on order at the local branch. Every book leads me somewhere else I want to go, and I end up ordering more books than I can possibly read in the time allotted. Still, I'm feeling smarter these days, something that helps when I'm frustrated with The Way Things Work. Forget paperless books, I'll never be able to get used to that. Give me paper any day.
Wow, I feel a little better already. Time to go pick up my partner in crime. And count the seconds it takes him to kiss me.
Fishy, can you teach me to coupon? Seriously...
Oh, heck yeah! I let the gurus at do the heavy lifting, and I go print out the lists and hit the stores. The Frugal Homemaker Plus did a good series on it. But the cool thing is that you can try it for a month for $1. If you wait until after Christmas and collect all the coupons you can get your hands on until then, they bring out the big guns on healthy stuff in January. That also avoids paying for TGG service for weeks when the coupons don't come out, usually holidays.
And I am so your referral if you sign up!
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